Lena’s Mandelbread

March 17, 2024 - May 31, 2024, 12:00 am

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Lena’s Mandelbread will be available for purchase through CBS on a pre-order basis. As you know, Lena’s Mandelbread is baked with three options. Plain, with nuts, and with miniature (parve) chocolate chips. There are 24 pieces per bag. Currently we have Lena’s Mandelbread with Chocolate Chips in inventory. Again, we are being assisted by Kim Matsil and Randy Katcher.
What to order: Lena’s Mandelbread – Plain $12.50 Lena’s Mandelbread – w/Nuts $12.50
Lena’s Mandelbread – w/chocolate $13.50 chips
Where to order: Bill Shapiro Cell (913) 558-4089 Randy Katcher (636) 248-4300
Where to pick up: Congregation Beth Shalom
When to pick up: Friday morning from 9 am to Noon How to pay: CBS accepts Checks and Cash. Put
“Mandelbread” on the Memo line of your check.
Sales from Lena’s Mandelbread are donated to CBS Sisterhood. Thank you for your support and interest in this worthy cause.
Bill Shapiro and Randy Katcher

Daily Minyan Service Options

Thursday, July 20-26 - All Day

Sarah Peltzman Educational Series: Unit 3

Thursday, January 16 - 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Sarah Peltzman Educational Series: Unit 3

Thursday, January 23 - 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Shabbat to Honor our Minyan Regulars

Saturday, January 25 - All Day

Congregation Beth Shalom

14200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66223
Phone - (913) 647-7279
Business Hours

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Mt. Carmel Cemetery

5529 Ditzler Road, Raytown, MO 64133
Phone - (816) 398-9290
Cemetery Hours