Sarah Peltzman Educational Series 2023-2024

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The SARAH PELTZMAN EDUCATIONAL SERIES consists of three and a half educational units, beginning Monday morning, October 16, 10:00-11:30 a.m., sponsored by the Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood. All units will be presented live and in-person in Goldsmith Hall from 10-11:30 am.

The cost is $25 for each full unit, $15 for the mini-unit, and a discounted fee of $70 if you enroll in all four units by the beginning of the 23-24 year. The fee for couples is $35 per full unit, $20 for mini-unit and $100 total for a couple enrolling in all four units at the beginning of the 23-24 year.  

All units are open to the entire Jewish community of Greater Kansas City. Each unit will consist of five weeks of class, in addition to a three-week class in March.

For more information, email Leah Haller or call her at  478-918-4721

Register HERE

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Unit 1 – Dr. Andrew Salzmann

Ocober 16, 23, 30, November 6, and 13, 2023 (Goldsmith Hall) Note these sessions will be on Monday, not Thursday.

Topic—“Old Testament in Relation to Other Religions”

Dr. Andrew Benjamin Salzmann is associate professor of theology and director of the Sheridan Center for Classical Studies at Benedictine College. He specializes in theological anthropology, and teaches a variety of courses from that perspective, including Christianity & World Religions and American Catholic History. He has served as a subject matter expert in religion for the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Ft Leavenworth.  The focus for this class will be on World Religions with a particular focus on their relation to Judaism and the Hebrew Bible.


Unit 2 – Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda

February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2023 (Goldsmith Hall)

Topic—“Angels and Biblical Israel”  This unit will be a continuation of Hazzan’s 22-23 class based on the book by our own late Rabbi Morris B. Margolies, z’’l.  The book pores through nearly three thousand years of literature and lore in this exploration of the angels who shape and reflect Jewish beliefs, hopes, and fears.  This class will focus on What Biblical text and Rabbinic midrash teach us about Angels and our interactions with them.

Preparatory Unit 3a – Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda

March 14, 21, 28 (Goldsmith Hall)

Topic–“Hierarchy, Social Equality, and the Liberal Jew; From Moses to King David to 2023.”  Models of Leadership in Biblical sources and how they inform modern communal leadership and social justice. *This session is a preparatory session for session 3, but is also stand alone, and is not required to participate in the 3rd session.

Preparatory Unit 3 – Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda

May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Goldsmith Hall)

Topic–“Jacob the Wicked?”  A study of Jacob in his familial and communal leadership role; using text, context and Rabbinic midrash to understand our forefather, Jacob.

Daily Minyan Service Options

Thursday, July 20-26 - All Day

Repro Shabbat

Saturday, February 22 - All Day

20s or 30s Mezuzah Making

Thursday, February 27 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Congregation Beth Shalom

14200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66223
Phone - (913) 647-7279
Business Hours

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Mt. Carmel Cemetery

5529 Ditzler Road, Raytown, MO 64133
Phone - (816) 398-9290
Cemetery Hours