Passport to Israel

What is Passport to Israel?

As a member of Beth Shalom, you are entitled to sign your children up to participate in a savings and community-funded program to visit Israel on one of several different programs. The costs of these trips continue to rise annually. Beth Shalom and the Jewish Community Foundation are aware of how expensive these trips can be and would encourage each of you to sign your children up for Passport to IsraelPassport to Israel is a saving incentive program designed to help families plan for their children’s high school trips. Congregation Beth Shalom believes very strongly in its support of this program. Visiting Israel is one of the best ways to build a strong Jewish identity, but these trips can be very expensive. The Flo Harris Supporting Foundation’s Passport to Israel Savings Incentive Plan is a wonderful way to save toward the cost of an Israel trip.

The Jewish Community Foundation manages the funds, while The Jewish Federation administers the PTI program. Interest is earned on the account, depending on market returns. Funds can build to cover a significant amount by the time your child is old enough to visit Israel. PTI enrollment forms will be distributed by congregations to the parents of 3rd grade students.  There are specific rules for the use of Passport funds. The student must travel with a not-for-profit group that has a defined educational purpose, and the trip should be of an extended duration – usually at least three weeks. Passport funds may be used until a student turns 36 years of age. Trips for those beyond school age must be preapproved by the Jewish Federation.

From 3rd grade through 8th grade, Congregation Beth Shalom will contribute $100, families will contribute $200, and the Jewish Community Foundation will match this combined $300 with another $100 for a combined total of $400. 
Beth Shalom has established certain criteria to determine the eligibility of our students for this program. The parents of the students participating in this program must be members in good standing in the Congregation in order to receive matching funds. 

We are NOW collecting contributions to your child’s Passport to Israel account. If you plan on contributing this year, please send us your check (payable to Congregation Beth Shalom) before the deadline of February 1, 2025 
**Reminder that only NEW applications need to fill out the following forms. Existing accounts just need to turn in the check to be matched.** 
Checks/ Enrollment Forms should be mailed in a sealed envelope 
and addressed as follows: 
Congregation Beth Shalom 
Attn. Civia White
14200 Lamar Ave 
Overland Park, Kansas 66223 

If you have questions about the program or need to check your balance,
​​​​​​​call Morgan Fasbinder @ 913-327-8100 or email

Checks in the amount of $200 will be matched by the Congregation with an additional $100.  This is made possible through the generosity of the Ohev Sholom Enid/Shalon Offenbach Passport to Israel Fund. 

Passport to Israel Enrollment Form

Passport to Israel Rules of Participation

Passport to Israel Participation Agreement

Some of the trips to Israel that pre-qualify for this program are: (click on each to learn more)
2.      March of the Living
3.      USY Israel Pilgrimage

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Phone - (913) 647-7279
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