Bat Mitzvah – Nina Eliana McNay

Nina Eliana McNay became a Bat Mitzvah on February 29.  
Nina is the daughter of Dawn Gale and Doug McNay, and is the sister of Logan McNay. She is the granddaughter of Bob and Barbi McNay of Overland Park, Kansas and Marshall Gale, z”l and Pam Gale, z”l of blessed memory.
Nina attends Oxford Middle School where she serves on Student Council and is a member of the newspaper, show choir, Community Service Club, Students Helping Students Club, and cast of the school musical. She is a second degree black belt in taekwondo and also enjoys art, reading, Girl Scouts, piano and voice lessons.
For her Bat Mitzvah project, Nina is organizing a food drive for the Jewish Family Services (JFS) Food Pantry after which she will visit the pantry to help sort and organize the food she collects. She is also doing monthly food deliveries for the JFS Pantry with her family.

Daily Minyan Service Options

Thursday, July 20-26 - All Day

Repro Shabbat

Saturday, February 22 - All Day

20s or 30s Mezuzah Making

Thursday, February 27 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Congregation Beth Shalom

14200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66223
Phone - (913) 647-7279
Business Hours

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Mt. Carmel Cemetery

5529 Ditzler Road, Raytown, MO 64133
Phone - (816) 398-9290
Cemetery Hours