Engaging in Social Action & Acts of Loving-kindness
Chesed is Hebrew for loving-kindness. Beth Shalom provides a regular schedule of social action programs for members of all ages. These volunteer activities help fulfill our Jewish responsibility to improve our community and the world. Examples of our social action activities include:
- Our Chesed Committee performs activities to recognize and help congregants and their families during a time of need.
- The Lechem Committee has been a part of an interfaith effort to feed the hungry for almost 40 years. The Lechem Committee serves hot lunches seven times a year at the Wilhelmina Gill Multi-Service Center
- Delivery of excess crops from Kansas City farms and orchards to local food pantries, including Yachad, Kansas City’s kosher food pantry.
- Collecting school supplies and clothing to benefit children and adults in the metropolitan area.
- December Outreach, where congregation members volunteer at local service organizations so that others can more fully enjoy their traditional December holidays.
- Holiday Adoption, where volunteers collect gifts for distribution to families who would not otherwise have gifts to share and enjoy.
- Mitzvah Day, when individuals or families perform maintenance at local homes or organizations to benefit those who cannot do the work themselves.
- A reading program for inner-city kids.
For information on how to volunteer, contact our Executive Director.