Mazel tov to our Planned Giving Committee and todah rabah to those who have stepped forward to help ensure that our congregation will be here to meet the social, spiritual and educational needs of our congregational families for many generations to come. If you would like to invest in the future of Beth Shalom with a bequest or other planned gift, Planned Giving Committee Chair.
1878… An Auspicious Year
1878 – First telephone is installed in the White House; Tzaichovsky’s 4th Symphony in F premieres; Edison Electric Light Company makes electricity available for household use; US mint introduces the silver dollar. Russian and Polish immigrants establish Congregation Keneseth Israel, the ancestor of our own Beth Shalom.
Communications, music, technology and US currency have evolved tremendously over nearly a century and half, and so has our own Beth Shalom. Who can even imagine what our synagogue will look like 150 years from now?
While we may not be able to predict the future, we can help secure it financially with a planned gift to our synagogue. Since 2007, Beth Shalom has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation and its Bushman Community Endowment program to secure nearly 60 commitments for future gifts that are estimated to be worth more than $3 million in permanent resources for our synagogue.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Abrams
Mr. Michael J. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Steve Azorsky Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Baker Dorothy Freiden Baraban Bernice and Saul Baum* Irene Bettinger Mari Anne Birnbaum Dr. and Mrs. Fred S. Bodker Mr. Harvey S. Bodker Rabbi and Mrs. Alan L. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coppaken Ms. Rita M. Cortes Debbie* and Gary Cortes Arthur and Diane Federman Robert Feldman Selma Dreiseszun Paul Flam* Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fromm Phillip Gershon Ronald* and Susan Goldsmith Rachel Krantz and Edward Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goldstein (Carol) Dr. and Mrs. Marvin* F. Goldstein (Adelle) Mrs. Shirley R. Gottstein Evie & Bob Grant Mrs. Berenice Haberman Dr.* and Mrs. Edward E. Haith Mr. and Mrs. Hanan Hammer
Mr. Marc B. Hammer and Ms. Alana R. Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Hershman Dr. Norman Kahn and Ms. B.D. Winyard Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kaseff Mr. Barry F. Kaseff Mr. Harold Kaseff and Mrs. Rhea Salasche-Kaseff Marlene* and Stanley Katz Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Kavanaugh Jason and Andrea Krakow Mrs. Miriam Krantz* Ms. Rachel B. Krantz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lessner Paulla Levitch Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pakula Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Paul Susan and Ernie Rosenthal Miles and Sally Ross Ms. Rhea Salasche-Kaseff William and Marge Schlosberg Drs. Daniel L. and Vivien Schlozman Aletha Simon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simon David and Lisa Skolnick Beth K. Smith* Sosland Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Stein Sue and Joel* Vile Mrs. Susan Zale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zwillenberg |
*of blessed memory