Shabbat Experiences

Shabbat Experiences

Saturday Morning – Live from Lamar with Rabbi Glickman, Rabbi Kaplan, & Hazzan for Shabbat Morning Services

The Sanctuary Traditional Saturday Service 9:30 am – Weekly

Our Shabbat morning service is clergy-led and features traditional Shabbat morning melodies, a triennial Torah reading (1/3 the of the entire Torah reading) and opportunities for congregants to have aliyot to the Torah and other honors. Expect a mostly Hebrew service with active announcements from Rabbi Glickman about where we are in the service, and a sermon.

Library Minyan  9:30 am – Weekly

For thirty years, members of Congregation Beth Shalom have gathered for a down-to-earth service where members of the Congregation lead every part. The Library Minyan is known for its friendly inclusiveness, the all Hebrew service, minimal announcements, a full Torah reading
and divrei Torah (Teachings on the weekly Torah portion) delivered by congregants. This is a community where (to quote an old television show), “everybody knows your name”.

Tefillateinu Family Instrumental Service  10:00 am – Monthly  (upcoming Tefillateinu Experiences)

Tefillateinu is a shorter service that has active musical accompaniment. Tefillateinu means “our prayer.” Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Alan Edelman and musical accompaniment by Adira Leibshultz lead this. Expect all Hebrew prayers to have English transliterations, a significantly shorter Torah service, and melodies that may be new to you.  We hope you will join us for Tefillateinu and will invite your family and some friends to join you. Because here is the thing – the secret to an amazing service is not the guitar or the drum. It isn’t even the beautiful voices of the service leaders. The secret to an amazing service is YOU; It’s your presence.


Shir L’Shabbat 10:00 am – Monthly at Asbury Methodist Church, 5400 w. 75th St. Praire Village,  KS 66208

Shir L’Shabbat – A song for shabbat.  Is a once a month instrumental music service that takes place in a more central location in the Kansas city metro area.   The service uses music and song to create a powerful , engaging and inspiring Shabbat experience.  Shir L’shabbat is led by Anna Jaffe, Rabbi Yonatan Rudnick and a rotating group of musicians.  Shir L’Shabbat starts at 10:00 am and is followed by a kiddush lunch. 

Tot Shabbat 11:00 am 

Tot Shabbat is designed for birth to preschool age kids and their parents or caregiver. It has lots of singing, story, and is casual. We also have a special “Kiddie Kiddush” with child friendly food after the service.

Congregation Beth Shalom

14200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66223
Phone - (913) 647-7279
Business Hours

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Mt. Carmel Cemetery

5529 Ditzler Road, Raytown, MO 64133
Phone - (816) 398-9290
Cemetery Hours