Passover Resource Center

With Passover starting, we find ourselves in a new reality during an unusual time. We are all struggling to make these days be the best that they can be. These resource pages will support you in creating moments, making memories, and maybe even starting some new traditions. We are hopeful that you will find them helpful in bringing meaning to your holiday.

Questions about K4P 2020 .  .  .watch recording here

Preparing for Passover During a Real-life Plague  .  .  .  watch recording here

Why is this Passover Different From All Other Passovers?  .  .  . by Rabbi Glickman

Hosting a Seder and Other Ways to Help During  the Pandemic

USCJ Passover Resource Page

Conservative Yeshiva Passover Resource Page

Rabbinical Assembly Passover Resource Page

JTS Passover Resource Page

Jewish Grandparents Network Passover Resource Page

PJ Library Passover Resource Page

18 Doors Passover Resource Page (formerly Interfaith Family)

Curated Resources by the Jewish Federation

Congregation Beth Shalom

14200 Lamar Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66223
Phone - (913) 647-7279
Business Hours

Stay Connected

Mt. Carmel Cemetery

5529 Ditzler Road, Raytown, MO 64133
Phone - (816) 398-9290
Cemetery Hours